Wednesday, May 16, 2007

10 important things everyone should know about the Korean War

1. After WWII the UN decided to divide Korea in half along the 38th parallel with the northern half being controlled by the Soviet Union and the southern half being controlled by the US
2. In July 1950 Joseph Stalin was eager to expand communism so north korea attacked south korea
3. 100,000 north korean troops slaughtered south koreans lagging force
4. the UN had an emergency meeting and the former allies decided to help south korea
5. there were heavy cacualties but Douglass Macarthur would not retreat
6. the US was starting to win when China sent 250,000 trips into North Korea to help
7. China had succeeded driving all of the UN's forces below the 38th parallel
8. Douglass Macarthur wanted to drop 50 atomic bombs onto China but Truman said no in fear of driving the Soviet Union into war then Macarthur was fired
9. In June of 1953 both sides stopped fighting near the spot that they began
10. fighting went on for 2 more years after that

1 comment:


Nice job, James - check the last fact - the fighting stopped in 1953.